
Processing Experiments: Phosphortron

Yet another signal processing option to show sample output from: Phosphrotron by Eric Souther & Laura McGough

Phosphortron is a video instrument that emulates the phosphor trails found in analog cathode ray tube (CRT) oscilloscopes and television monitors. The instrument uses a computer vision technique called frame difference, which compares the current frame versus the previous frame and analyzes change based on a threshold pixel by pixel. The trail duration function controls how long previous information stays on screen before fading away the simulated phosphors. Edge detection is utilized in conjunction with frame difference, to isolate and accentuate the outlines to loosen the raster image towards the simulated aesthetics of vector drawing.

See more about the app: https://www.ericsouther.com/toolmaking-1

Eric is also one of a pair of developers, along with Jason Bernagozzi, for the powerful Signal Culture video processing apps: http://signalculture.org/appclub.html

Here is a sample of the source footage that I have been using for processing. It will be part of an upcoming video program tentatively entitled "River Styx"...


Processing Experiments: Circuit Bent Vizual Noize Enhancer

One more circuit bent processing device to show sample output from: Circuit Bent Vizual Noize Enhancer Lofi Video Synth by statikstramentz

This unit takes composite video in and outputs, well as the name suggests, NOIZE enhanced video. Gotta be subtle with the adjustments or the signal will go out of NTSC spec range. Although statikstramentz recommends output to a good ol' analog CRT and thence rescan (or possibly projection?), I've found that the glitched signal is much more usable than expected - I can feed it into a composite-> HDMI converter and thence into a HDMI->USB digitizer for recapture on computer. I've even fed the output into a professional TBC with decent results. (Of course, you've got to experiment and move the unit's control knobs slowly because too far one way of the other WILL cause the signal to go out of spec and thus "blank out" the encoder or the TBC. Just sayin'...)

"This compact video synth has been created to let you conjure various warped distortions, smeared pixelations, overdriven white mosaics and other various effects. As usual with circuit bent video effects-differing effects can be achieved depending on what you connect to this device-both in and out. Composite video source (camcorder, DVD, VHS, etc.) input. Composite video output. For best/trouble free results, best viewed on / rescanned from an old school (analog CRT) television."

See sample work: instagram.com/statikstramentz

Find out more at his storefront:


Here is a sample of the source footage that I have been using for processing. It will be part of an upcoming video program tentatively entitled "River Styx"...

Processing Experiments: Lumen App

 I have also been using an analog-style software video synthesizer - Lumen - for the Mac. There's a wide range of synthesis and processing effects that can be achieved - way to much to delve into here... Been processing footage for my upcoming video program tentatively titled "River Styx."

"Lumen is a Mac App that makes it easy for you to create engaging visuals in real time. Use the same process with Lumen as you would with a hardware video synth, but with modern features only software can provide. With a semi-modular design that is both playable and deep, Lumen is the perfect way to get into video synthesis."

Check Lumen's features out:  https://lumen-app.com

Here is a sample of the source footage that I have been using for processing. It will be part of an upcoming video program tentatively entitled "River Styx"...

Sample of processed footage using Lumen:

Processing Experiments: Waaave_Pool

So I've been playing around with some new hardware signal processing devices. Of particular interest is the Waaave_Pool RPI system configured, programed and sold by Andrei Jay (who describes himself as 'a mathematician, video artist, educator, and soft/hardware designer.') Waave_Pool is very cool! I will be posting a number of short video clips processed thru it next. WAAAVE_POOL is a framebuffer delay/video feedback generator and video synthesis system based on a switchable feedback/feedforward video delay. For more info on the device: https://andreijaycreativecoding.com/WAAAVE_POOL He has other devices built around the same Raspberry Pie: https://andreijaycreativecoding.com/Video-Synthesis-Ecosphere-RPI

Here is a sample of the source footage that I have been using for processing. It will be part of an upcoming video program tentatively entitled "River Styx"...

Sample of processed footage using Waave_Pool:


Chernobyl West

 I'm posting a few of my early video works from 'back in the days' of neophyte vidiots, EAI, The Kitchen (in Soho), Mudd Club video nights, and analog video processing via The Experimental Television Center.

Chernobyl West 1986 (7:48)


Video art from 1986 - narrative about the after effects of a hypothetical nuclear power plant meltdown occurring in upstate NY. (Note: approx. 40 seconds of color bars at start of recording.)

Welcome to Vacationland

I'm posting a few of my early video works from 'back in the days' of neophyte vidiots, EAI, The Kitchen (in Soho), Mudd Club video nights, and analog video processing via The Experimental Television Center.


Greetings From Vacationland 1986 (28:02)


It's not all billboard perfect in Vacationland - everywhere one looks, environmental concerns are rampant. Join us on a summer visit full of unexpected surprises. (Note: approx. 40 seconds of color bars at start of recording.)


Lo-fi Studio Exterior With Signal Noise


Circuit bent camera with video noise: studio exterior, prayer flags, patio containers in bloom, and Yama the cat.


Lo-Fi Views of Patio Outside My Studio


Circuit bent toy camera recordings of late Springtime / early Summertime patio with plants and Yama the cat.

Circuit Bent Portraits


Using a circuit bent toy camera from Letsglitchit, I'm able to get analog video image processing like results including posterization and colorization.

Circuit Bent Lo-Fi Spiritual Bather


Circuit bent camera rescan of Japanese bather.

Circuit Bent Cam Girl Siren

Circuit bent camera footage of cam girl siren Miki Woo

Circuit Bent Camera Studio Exterior


Early Summertime views of outside my studio - shot with circuit bent camera.

Psychedelic Lo-Fi 'Big Bang' Explosion

Started using a circuit bent camera from Letsglitchit for that psychedelic lo-fi analog video colorizer look. Rescanned off computer monitor QT playback. 


Circuit bent cameras and webcams: 



 I just completed a short video piece call "ORACLE" scrounging footage collected over the years. It's sort of the equivalent to an 'ear worm'... the idea has been floating around in my head for awhile. This makes use of real world footage and image processed footage (via LUMEN app for MacOS). The final program is 2:30 in length. Enjoy!

Remember what Morphius told Neo in The Matrix - "What was said, was said for you alone."

Use this link to view the video on Vimeo.

Spirit Fire Dance

I have started working on footage for a larger video project entitled "Crossing the Styx"... As you might imagine based upon the Greek myth, this will be about the Underworld, Bardo, Dreamtime... About crossing over. More details and samples as I develop the script further. Suffice to say in a section involving Shamanic journeying, I plan to use found footage of UTE fire dancers. The samples below show some of the processing that I am achieving using a really nice Mac-based video synthesis app called LUMEN.



Temple Variations

 The newest update to PhotoRoom app has a feature that allows a cloud effect to be added in front of the subject or behind it in the background. Wanted to play with that a bit, so I decided to make use of a found image of this Hindu temple looming overhead. I also added the rays background to the masked temple object. I find the overall results to be exciting and evocative. (Check out the transparent mirage effect in the 3rd video!) Is there a possible temple / shrine / sacred ruin series brewing??

Pareidolia - seeing things in the sky


Angry Sky Goddess

I came across another one of my Pareidolia videos - can't recall exactly how I created this. Anyway, the face is from a Marilyn Monroe video found somewhere on the web. 

When I get a chance, I'll post a few more Pareidolia videos.


'From the Studio' newsletter


It's a new year. It's time. Time to reach out and overcome social distancing and Zoom fatigue. I'm using a newsletter to more widely share information about new work and upcoming or current shows. 

If you are interested in receiving an occasionally sent 'From the Studio' newsletter, please take a moment to subscribe via MailChimp. Thank you for your consideration.

Less Is More

'Less Is More' is the current exhibition at Upstream Gallery. It's described as a Juried National Small Works Exhibition running from January 7th through January 31st. Open Thursday - Sunday, 12:30 - 5:30pm

8 Main Street, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, 10706

email: UpstreamGallery26@gmail.com

gallery phone: 914-674-8548

I have work in the show - a small 5.5"x3.5"x3" sculptural piece entitled Portable Healing Shrine. This piece is built upon a found object (a small hand made, hand-painted Hindu shrine that I found at the AsiaBarong marketplace in Great Barrington). While the found shrine was rather crudely made and painted, I thought it would be fun to use the wooden framework to create a personal shrine using my own imagery. 

A selection of images follow:

a front view of the shrine with all doors closed

the shrine under its protective glass jar in the gallery

a view with one side door partially opened
showing Medicine Buddha and emerging lotus

the shrine with all outer doors open
showing hands making offerings (multiple panels) and
Protective Dakinis dancing on the doors of the inner-most realm

the doors of the inner sanctum opened to reveal
the meditating Medicine Buddha flanked by flaming lotus flowers


What to Watch on Vimeo

I've set up several Vimeo showcases that allow viewing sets of related videos and animations by project. (Will open in new window)
Forest Gods Jungle Spirits (2018-2020)

Buddhaverse Variations (2020)

Excerpts from Experimental Television Center
(from various residencies 1987-1993)