
Using a Touch Designer Networks: Pixelate


The Pixelate tool was originally developed by Eric Souther on his Patreon site Philosophical Tools. (Turn on audio!)


At Work in the Studio


While working with the array of Signal Culture apps, one issue that emerges is that the apps do not directly support portrait mode aspect ratios, rather shifting everything into landscape mode. This can be disconcerting and a bit difficult to work with visually - until I remembered that my second monitor (which I use to display final output of the processing chain) can be rotated 90 degrees to be vertical. Bingo! (See above... Turn on audio.)

That coupled with the easy one click video file rotation available in MacOS Finder completes the workflow.

Using Re:Struktr app - Pray Wheels 2

This new app from Signal Culture allows very interesting wave-form driven flicker-based transitions between two channels of video. In this example, a number of Signal Culture apps were used in tandem: Input Amp -> Proc Amp -> Frame Buffer -> Re:Struktr -> Syphon Recorder.  (Turn on audio!)


Using Re:Struktr app: Prayer Wheels

This new app from Signal Culture allows very interesting wave-form driven flicker-based transitions between two channels of video. Very powerful. In these example, sine/triangle wave driven transitions, frame buffering, and  color tinting features have been utilized. (Turn on audio!)


Using Re:Struktr app (con't.)

Footage of UTE Fire Dance combined with reaction diffusion system patterns.

This new app allows very interesting wave-form driven flicker-based transitions between two channels of video. Very powerful. In this example, sine wave driven transitions & color tinting features have been utilized. (No audio)


Some more sample processing using Signal Culture's new app Re:Struktr -> flicker warning!


This new app allows very interesting wave-form driven flicker-based transitions between two channels of video. Very powerful. In this example, sine & triangle wave driven flicker transitions have been increased  to a fast rate and keying & color tinting features have been utilized. (Turn on audio!)

Sample processing using Signal Culture's new app Re:Struktr


This new app allows very interesting wave-form driven flicker-based transitions between two channels of video. Very powerful. In this example, sine wave driven flicker transitions have been reduced to a very slow rate - like a cross fade. (Turn on audio!)