
Audacity Processing - pt. 2

Here are some sample processed frames using a Kali image (the final image below is the input source).

Audacity Processing

Taking some time to play around with glitch processing via Audacity audio editor, importing .bmp, .jpg, and ,tif files (as raw data), manipulating them with filters, then saving stuff back out (as "raw" data) once again. I find .jpgs are not worth the hassle and really don't achieve much more than linear runs of pixels or complete noise. Of the other two formats, I like the some of the complex RGB spacial layering effects when applied to .tif files that have been saved as planar data (RRRGGGBBB).

Here are two examples of .gif animations built up out of processed frames.


Whirling Dervish

 Here are a few samples of OBS processing of found footage of a dervish fire dance.