
Trippy Tara

Bill Tavis has performed his fractal halftone mapping on my COSM Tara piece resulting in a wonderful GIF animation. Thanks!

See more of Bill Tavis's stuff on his Tumblr.


Rite of Spring - Medicine Offering

Gif by Bill Tavis - tumbler site: http://billtavis.tumblr.com

Wanted to give a 'shout out' to Bill Tavis's new project - a Kickstarter project for his Mandelmap poster.

From his tumblr: Now live! Go there now to receive a poster as a reward for pledging. Meticulously researched and compiled, this poster functions as a thought-provoking guide to the astonishingly complex Mandelbrot set. - http://kck.st/23HsEZW

Hand Trembling Way

So can you tell me how this image was made? It's a little bit analog low-tech for sure, making use of a "rescan" technique I learned from my Experimental TV Center lab days with the wobulator: The original image of hands in an "offering to the Earth" mudra is from a number of years ago,  and I've used this as an element in a number of finished pieces... A few years ago I processed the healing hands image thru the fun and fantastic Percolator iPhone app to create a range of visual processed output frames. These were combined into a GIF recently and then run thru a glitch app or two .(I forgot which ones, sorry!)  Finally, the resulting video was played back in a loop on an iPad and re-captured as a standard video with my phone. (Hence, playing with the angles allow me to get a foreshortened trapezoidal perspective...) I then reduced the HD video footage to a smaller frame size and GIF'd it - results below:

More Glitch Experiments - Glitched Forest Goddess

This is an experiment in creating a glitched forest goddess loop to be positioned 'under' (camouflaged by) leaves, flowers and other offering elements. See the accompanying static image (below anim) for an example of my Forest Goddess series from last year... Now imagine a more layered effect with the leaves (etc.) as the top layer, and one or more glitched figures as background layers. (I'll update this post with an example as soon as I have taken this to the next step...)

Media Totem

Been playing around with various glitch apps on my iPad. This experiment  using a found photo of Marilyn Monroe is a rather Pop Art in nature, eh? WWMMS? (What would Marshall McLuhan say?)


The energy is really starting to flow now! Everything is waking up. Spring bulbs blooming, trees leafing out, birds singing.

Gif by Bill Tavis - tumbler site: http://billtavis.tumblr.com


In Memory of Armand

It's hard to unexpectedly lose a long-time buddy, fellow artist, DIY craftsman, avid gardener, husband, father... Our thoughts are with your lovely wife and daughter.

Be well, my friend, on your journey.


Winter Glitch

A glitch test of footage from along the Hudson River.


Healing Hands glitch GIF

Been playing around with some glitch apps on my iPad, using basic glitch techniques including simple frame slams such as this one.


Auras galore! More TAVIS animations

Animations from Bill Tavis tumblr site: http://billtavis.tumblr.com

Luminancer - IOS APP

Old-school analog video image processing is alive and well in this APP call Luminancer - at least it appears to be 'analog' although it's actually digital magic. There are way too many "real time" adjustments one can make and record to fully describe this app. Take a look at this sample:

Luminancing in the Lake
We are continuing to test iO6 for stability. Please let us know if you see any issues. We're also very excited for the IPHONE 5. Bigger screen, higher resolution which means MORE LUMINANCING
Posted by Luminancer iOS App on Thursday, September 20, 2012

Here's the direct iTunes APP store link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/luminancer/id414607139?mt=8

Happy New Year 2016