Healing Altar - M.Gilliland ©2009
The Healing Altar installation is intended to bring needed healing to our selves, our loved ones, our community, our nation and our planet. Gallery visitors are invited to write offerings on joss paper and then place them into a prayer box, as well as to place other offerings (stones, candles, incense, flowers, herbs, photos, etc.) onto the altar itself. Once a week – on Saturday afternoon, the artist will come to the altar to bring new flowers and light incense offerings, to pray for peace and well-being, and to burn (offer up) the written prayers left by gallery visitors.
About this piece: the two cut-out side panels depict the artist as embodying a Buddha with hands held in the gesture of prayer and gratitude – Namasté. This is a form of the meditation of Tibetan Buddhist deity self-visualization practice - training for a compassionate mind and heart. The central panel depicts the figure of a dancing Black Dakini – a protective female aspect of nature embodying raw energies of creation and destruction – the cycles of life. Her flaming aura shows both purity of intent as well as showing her spiritual power. She dances on a skull to indicate that she has conquered fear of Death. Above her, an offering cloud of incense and flowers wafts into the realm of Spirit, a gift of gratitude to our Ancestors, Guides and Protectors.
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